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October 09, 2006

Don Jon Il's Request

By Kanrei

There are many reasons to not want North Korea to join the nuclear family. One reason could be their preoccupation with fighting the South Koreans. A reason could be the fact that the country is run by a delusional egomaniacal midget with a Napoleon complex. The reason I choose to not like the news of their recent successful test is that they are not mature enough to play with the big boys yet.

The AP is reporting today that North Korea is basically demanding congratulations from the U.N. Security Council. I did write “demand” and I did mean “demand”. The mere fact that they do not understand the universal condemnation is enough proof they lack maturity to handle nuclear power, but to demand respect for it is beyond the fold.

Pak Gil Yon who serves as North Korea’s ambassador to the U.N. told reporters Monday that the Security Council should congratulate them instead of passing resolutions. "It will be better for the Security Council of the United Nations to congratulate the DPRK scientists and researchers instead of doing such notorious, useless and rigorous resolutions or whatever." This is a veiled threat if ever I read one.

By saying “it would be better” to give us what we want instead of trying to hurt us, they are implying consequences. Are they really this out of touch with reality? Do they really believe one successful nuclear test will bring the world to their knees? They cannot honestly expect the countries they threaten on a daily basis to congratulate them on gaining the ability to destroy them.

Maybe in Kim’s twisted little mind this entire thing is not about nukes at all. Maybe he has watched so many gangster movies that he simply views the Security Council as the “Five Families” of Godfather fame and he simply wants a seat at the table. He thinks testing a nuke is how he makes his bones.

He thinks America is too involved in other matters to bother with him and the other “families” will respect his move. He is making the Security Council an offer it can’t refuse. Something tells me from studying history that North Korea will not enjoy how Communists deal with small dictators. It usually ends horribly for the leader and his country if memory serves me right.

Yon still continues in his "Baghdad Bob" worthy rhetoric: "The nuclear test in the DPRK will greatly contribute in increasing the world deterrence of the DPRK…to the maintenance and guarantee of peace and security in the peninsula and the region."

For some odd reason, and I am not sure why, but I believe Iran’s claims of wanting nuclear power for energy more than I believe North Korea claiming to want a massive weapon for peaceful reasons and I do not believe Iran even a little. It probably has something to do with the fact that technically we are still at war with North Korea.

I am not sure how many people realize that the Korean War ended in a ceasefire, not a peace treaty. The war has always been stalled because of the nuclear issue: that issue being that we had them and they did not. Now they have them as well so I cannot help but wonder about the cease fire’s standing.

With South Korea getting the next head of the U.N. spot, is giving North Korea a veto in the Security Council something that should be thought about or is that out of line? Whether we like it or not, they are now a nuclear power. They have asked for recognition as such and are insane enough to throw a fit if they do not get it. Do we cave in for world peace?

I honestly have no answers here, just questions. I am counting on you for the answers.

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